Articles About Zensex
The Definition of “God” in Zensex
Love and sex are paths to a higher consciousness or state of “god”. But what does “god” mean, in simple terms?
The conventional Judeo–Christian view of God sees him as an omnipotent and omniscient creator of the universe. The spiritual God and his material creations are said to exist in a dualistic relation, whereby each one is discrete and yet inextricably linked.
However, Zensex conceives of “god” monistically. Everything that exists in the universe is “god” manifested as matter. All things were not created by God — they are “god” itself.
To highlight this distinction, I generally use the Japanese term kami when referring both to “god” as a source of being and to “the gods” as entities. In Shintoism, kami are not separate from nature but are incarnations of nature: from the sun, the trees, a mountain, or a waterfall to one’s ancestors, past heroes, or concepts like growth and good fortune. Since ancient times, Japan has worshipped all things as manifestation of kami — even our daily tools!
I believe that there is nothing in this universe that is not kami.
In other words, the totality of kami represents infinite consciousness and infinite energy, which encompasses our entire universe. This infinite consciousness has only one desire. It wants to know itself, to feel itself, to experience itself.
However, consciousness alone is equal to a state of nothingness. It is only in the material world where intellect, emotion, and volition can be experienced. To do so, the kami’s infinite consciousness lowered its vibrations to materialise itself, thereby becoming the stars, the Earth, all its minerals and plants, its animals and its human beings.
Like the kami, human beings exist both in spirit and in body; they are modelled after the perfect form of a “god”. Since our three-dimensional material world is one of opposing forces — light and darkness, good and evil, the feminine yin and the masculine yang — we too are divided into male ogami and female megami.
And like the kami, we too are seeking to experience the greatest love and joy we can in our three-dimensional world.
Sex: The Greatest Act of Love
In the Bible, it says "God is love", but I would instead say that "God is joy". Joy. This is the essential nature of godliness. Everything originates from the primal will of the divine to rejoice.
If the concept of kami is that of an ideal and perfect form, then a human is the corporeal manifestation of this ideal — in other words, an image of "god". The essence of a human soul shares the essence of the kami. What, then, is the principal desire of the human soul? It is joy. Joy is the source and driving force of human life. It is the sublime soul-consciousness, purest wish, and deepest desire with which humans are endowed.
Moreover, joy could also be described as happiness. Human beings live their lives in a universal quest for happiness. But then why is our species so unhappy? Why does our long history of wars, violence, and hatred seem never to end? What is the cause of all our unhappiness?
In my search for answers to these questions, I discovered one paramount cause — a discord or imbalance between the cosmic forces of yin and yang. With this new awareness, my life's journey began.
Everything in our universe exists in a relationship of plus and minus, yin and yang. All matter, minerals, animals, and plants are the products of interactions between positive and negative ions. In the ecosystems of nature, yin and yang are in equilibrium, integrated and harmonised, and no phenomenon can exist in isolation from this dichotomy.
However, for some reason, it is only humans that experience a spiritual rift between the yin and the yang, between women and men. For a moment, we can unite to become one, but we soon splinter apart again.
This is the dynamic in many relationships today. How many couples do you know that are divorced, or that live together unhappily, or that have grown distant from one another? It seems to be quite difficult for many couples to continue living in true happiness and joy with each other.
Furthermore, when children are raised in an environment of disharmony, they are also affected. If they do not grow up nourished by sufficient love, safety, and stability, their psychological as well as spiritual nature will be shaped by this trauma. They will then continue to perpetuate this trauma in their future relationships, which will often hinder them from finding true joy and harmony with their partner. This has been a pervasive issue in our world today.
So, why does this happen? Consider two magnets whose north and south poles are drawn together by their electromagnetic force. In humans, the force that unites men and women is love — an attraction to what we are each lacking.
Then, what exactly is this love that unites us? It is the act of fulfilling our need to give and to receive support and joy. Acts of love can include celebrating a special occasion together, going out for a meal together, or enjoying a mutual hobby together. These are just a few activities that we can share with our partner in order to experience our love through joy.
But when we wish to experience the ultimate form of love, where we can offer and share the greatest joy with each other, sex is the means to the utmost bliss.
Unfortunately, this is not how many people and societies perceive sex. Sex is often considered taboo, unclean, and it is spoken of with a sense of guilt and shame. This mindset that rejects sex is at the same time rejecting humanity's superlative form of love.
If we neglect sex, the greatest act of love, a mere gift or a "good morning” kiss is not enough to satisfy a soul. And a couple will become alienated from one another as the magnetic force of their love remains weak due to disuse.
Ever since my youth, I have studied every aspect of sex and worked to perfect a sexual method for those wishing instead to sustain and strengthen the magnetic force of their love. Zensex is my method for elevating sex into the greatest act of love between two people.
The Essential Significance and Value of Sex
Throughout human history, sex has regularly been vilified or imbued with attitudes of guilt and shame. While we should have been worshipping sex and cherishing it at an altar, instead it has been treated as something unclean to be spat down a toilet. In the past, sex was often tantamount to a man relieving his seminal fluid into a woman, in any way his instincts and desires demanded. Today, for many couples, not that much has changed.
Are women experiencing joy from this kind of male-dominated intercourse? Should we expect them to be satisfied with it?
I often hear women complain about sex. The standard bedroom procedure is a brief stimulation of the nipples and/or clitoris, followed by immediate penetration and a mechanical thrusting like the movement of an unrelenting piston... But for women, this is simply not enough. This is a kind of sex that is only marginally better than that of four-legged animals, serving as little more than reproductive behaviour. It is a low, kindergarten-level act. A very far cry from the sort of sublime communion that lets us transcend to the divine.
Never forget that sex is a sacred gift from the heavens. Human beings are the ultimate form of life on Earth, and I believe it is the design of all creation for us to love one another and to share the greatest joy through sex.
For instance, why is a woman's entire body an erogenous zone? This is because a woman is intended to be loved all over her body. Women are a life form designed to be loved and to glow with love, and it is only when they are fully infused with love that they can become luminous megami. Sex is the direct means for them to receive this love.
Take for an example the "kogen ecstasy" orgasm, which is the greatest joy and greatest love that a woman can receive through sex. (In Japanese, "kogen" means both "light-source" and "plateau".) This is a state where a woman is unified with the kami, the source of light and energy of everything in this universe. A woman in this state could experience an unlimited number of consecutive orgasms.
This is similar to the connection that a baby experiences when it is held in its mother's arms and fed from her breasts. By receiving an abundance of the mother's affection, the soul's capacity for human love is nourished. What would happen if this baby were isolated in a capsule from the moment of birth, left alone, without being held in anyone's arms? The baby would grow into a person without a rich sense of humanity who struggles to experience love.
Likewise, a woman can only grow into her true potential as a megami by receiving an abundance of love from her partner through sex. Women are endowed with the sacred gift of orgasm in order to experience the joy of this abundance.
So, what is an orgasm? We are not talking about everyday pleasure or simply "feeling good". When a woman experiences the ultimate orgasm of "kogen ecstasy", she is filled to the zenith with a joy equal to divinity itself. In the vortex of this orgasmic joy, she is in a divine state, in unity with the kami. This is the true value of an orgasm: through its extreme joy and supreme love, she can be exalted to a megami.
We do not become complete as humans until we grow through three stages of development, including puberty. In order to grow further, from a girl to a woman and a boy to a man, we must share the ultimate joy of sex with each other in our full maturity. The man and woman coronated by "sex" will, in their subsequent lives, further expand their joy and love and thereby grow into golden, luminous beings.
Sex is the means for integrating two souls and restoring their yin-yang harmony. A person who is in a state of sexual bliss and total joy cannot feel anger or jealousy. It is like not being able to curse someone while you are laughing. This is the ultimate experience of god.
What would happen if we lived in a world where expressing love through sex were the dominant mode of being? It would be a heaven on Earth, full of love and human joy. All humans are looking for happiness. We can attain our utopia only through propagating the rapture of sex.
Christianity: The Propagator of Guilt About Sex
Many people look toward religion as a path to happiness and fulfillment in their lives. Personally, I believe that religion teaches us valuable truths about how to live better lives, and that 95% of its teachings contribute positively to the growth of a human soul. However, there is poison in that remaining 5%. This poison is the denial of sex.
What is the greatest gift bestowed upon humans by our creator? It is sex — the embodiment of the act of loving and being loved, the actualisation of a yin-yang harmony. Although sex is a means for humans to express their love, to attain harmony, and to achieve a state of godliness, Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) have treated many sexual acts as shameful, and in Confucianism even the discussion of sex is taboo.
In all realms of nature in the material world, yin and yang are harmonised and in union. Only human beings, however, are divided. Why is this so? It is because these four major religions have denied sex instead of treating it as a sacred gift, a way to experience the joy of yin-yang harmony. Instead, they have indoctrinated us to believe sex is unclean and something to feel guilty about. By denying the ultimate form of love between man and woman, these religions have separated us and hampered our yin-yang harmony.
Christianity has played the greatest role in leading this crusade. The world today is dominated by Western civilization, and at the foundation of this civilization is Christianity. The Christian influence on sexual morality is pervasive not only in Europe but also in former European colonies, spanning the globe from the Americas and Africa to Papua New Guinea and the Philippines.
When you open the Bible, on its second page you will find the "Paradise Lost" story in Genesis Chapter 3. The story is as follows:
In the Garden of Eden, God told Adam and Eve that they were free to eat the fruit of any tree except the one in the centre of the garden, the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Despite this, Eve was seduced by the temptations of a serpent, who told her that if she were to eat the tree's fruit, her "eyes shall be opened, and [she] shall be as God, knowing good and evil." As soon as Adam and Eve ate the fruit, they gained the knowledge that they were naked and, feeling shame, hid behind a tree and covered their loins with fig leaves. Later, God discovered Adam and Eve's disobedience and asked them why they broke his command; Adam blamed Eve for his transgression, and Eve blamed the serpent. God responded by banishing them from the Garden, afflicting them and all their descendants with mortal lives of hard work and pain.
Eventually, the serpent that tempted Eve came to be associated with the archangel Lucifer (Satan), especially in John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost (1667). The word "Lucifer" itself means "light-bringer" in Latin: one who defies oppression to bring knowledge to humanity. In the story of Adam and Eve, because the couple shamefully hid their loins when they realised they were naked, it implies that sex and nudity are inherently shameful, and it is this knowledge that corrupted the first humans and divided them from God.
In other words, a strong sense of guilt and shame about sex plays a central role in Christianity, and this is often conflated with the "original sin" of disobeying God. As a result, sex has been continued to be stigmatised in Christian cultures for nearly 2000 years, including across much of the world today.
For example, the Christian God only approves of sex within wedlock for reproductive purposes and for fulfilling your partner's sexual needs. Hence, masturbation is considered a sin and a moral failing, while contraception and coitus interruptus are likewise thought to be against God's will. Many Catholic thinkers and priests during the Middle Ages even considered any sex position other than the missionary position to be a sin!
Looking beyond the Christian world, Judaism and Islam likewise have very strict precepts against a variety of "unnatural" sexual acts, while Buddhists must overcome their desire for sensual pleasures if they wish to attain dhyāna (higher states of consciousness). Meanwhile, societies with roots in Confucianism — including China, Korea, Japan, and Vietnam — have traditionally viewed sex as a social obligation within marriage, and in these societies women are expected to be subservient to their husbands' needs.
The above examples illustrate the ubiquity of the social conditioning we have received from the world's religions on the subject of sex. By instilling guilt about sex, they have destroyed the relationship between men and women and obstructed our path of awakening to the Divine.
Trapped in the Miseries and Paradoxes of Religion
According to Hindu Tantrism, the second chakra (Svadhisthana) developed after humans grew out of our primitive age of mere survival and began to develop societies. This is when human relationships began to flourish, and when we gained the capacity for sensuality, pleasure, and unconscious desires. Nevertheless, in order to pass this second stage of growth as a species, we had to experience and overcome negative emotions. Religions have played the role of providing that negativity.
It is a demonstrable fact that religions have caused misery in this world. For instance, during the Crusades from 1095 to 1291, the Roman Catholic Church waged a series of wars under the pretext of recapturing the Holy Land around Jerusalem from its Muslim inhabitants, believing that all religions other than Christianity were heretical. The crusaders were so brutal that they killed not only soldiers but also civilian men, women, children, and livestock. It is estimated that 1.7 million people were killed during the conflicts.
Later, between 1450 and 1750, a series of witch-hunts swept across Europe, during which 100,000 people were accused of sorcery and up to 60,000 were executed. Although the Catholic Church's official policy was not to prosecute witchcraft charges, leaving this instead to secular courts, the trials were most widespread in Catholic regions, and several major witch-hunts were conducted by Catholic clergy (including the notorious Trier witch trials, which resulted in the execution of up to 1000 people at the hands of the archbishop Johann von Schönenberg). This period is also closely correlated with the Spanish, Portuguese, and Roman Inquisitions, where church-sanctioned tribunals accused over 100,000 people of crimes such as heresy, blasphemy, or sodomy, sometimes using torture or violence to extract confessions from the accused.
Furthermore, the early modern period is characterised by a proliferation of European colonialism and empire-building, often conducted under the guise of a holy cause. Nations such as Spain, Portugal, France, and Britain sent both missionaries and soldiers to "heathen" lands in the Americas, Africa, and Asia, where they waged both cultural and literal genocide by converting or slaughtering the indigenous peoples while looting their gold and treasures. This was a time when Christianity, which preached the love of God and fellow man, was instead ruled by hatred, injustice, and intolerance.
We can see a similar paradox at play even today in the soul of the zealous Christian: the more ardently he believes in his faith, the greater his dissatisfaction becomes with his human form. Conforming to the doctrine that man is an inherently sinful being, separated from God ever since the Fall, the zealous believer grows ever more conscious of himself as a sinner overwhelmed by sins. Convincing himself of his sinful nature, he loses sight of the godliness within him, denying both himself and the fact that he is kami. The greater his denial, the further he is rent from a state of God. In other words, the deeper his faith, the more distant he grows from God or love itself, and the unhappier he becomes.
Another paradoxical misery that is perpetuated in the name of religion is female genital mutilation. Although this is a cultural practice, not a religious practice — female circumcisions have been performed since around 500 BCE in Ancient Egypt — it continues to be widespread in many Muslim and several Christian communities in Africa and Southeast Asia. Nevertheless, the cutting off of a girl's clitoris seems to be opposed in the Quran by the Prophet Muhammad's proclamations about the sanctity of the human body, while several hadith (sayings attributed to Muhammad) either explicitly praise the practice as optional but "noble" or else advise against the practice due to the pain it inflicts on the woman. Why then has such a custom endured for so long?
Perhaps it is due to the primitive association of the genital area with shame and sin. But a deeper reason could be that, in our second stage of growth as a species on Earth, women were not allowed to be awakened, and the clitoris is the nucleus that opens the pineal gland. I believe that the custom of female genital mutilation was established in order to seal off any possibility of these women awakening through stimulation of the clitoris.
Zensex Will Bring Happiness to the World
When sex results in yin-yang harmony, it is a sacred act that brings love and joy to both man and woman. This truth has been sealed up until now by the power of darkness.
Instead, we have had a sense of guilt about sex, feeling that it is something to be ashamed of or something to be done in secret. Within our mindset of guilt, we have come to view sex as no more than a means to fulfill our immediate sexual desires. Ultimately, this mentality about sex becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
For instance, when men take the initiative in sex, ejaculation quickly becomes the objective. Many men mistakenly believe that all they must do to satisfy a woman is to thrust their penis into her vagina. As a result, foreplay becomes skimpy. A French kiss straight away. A brief lick to the nipples. Some sloppy fingering. After he sees that she's wet, he has her suck him, and penetration soon follows. This is sex as performed by the typical man.
However, because the woman is penetrated when she is not fully receptive, her body is not ready for the rough and reckless piston-like movement of the man's penis. The woman's face contorts as she endures the pain, while the man interprets her expression as one of bliss. Unattuned to his partner's body, he continues to thrust, thinking it will please her. Meanwhile, the woman is pretending to be enjoying herself because she wants it to be over quickly. And then at last, when she is finally beginning to feel pleasure, the man ejaculates and the sex abruptly ends.
Unfortunately, this is the general state of sex in the world. The woman, feeling left behind, is also left totally unsatisfied. Imagine such sex continuing for months, years, or decades in a relationship. Is it any wonder that many women eventually become discontented with their partner and end up rejecting sex altogether? It is the logical outcome of ignorance about sex.
On the other hand, what would happen if we were to recognise sex as a sacred act of love between a man and a woman? What if we were to exalt women as beings born to be loved through sex? What if we all knew the truth that women are awakened through sex to become megami?
Wouldn't men try harder to understand the mechanisms of female pleasure? Wouldn't they do their best to acquire sexual techniques that will lead their partner to a state of sensuality? Wouldn't they strive to satisfy their partner from the bottom of their hearts?
Incidentally, in Japan's Shinto rituals, there is a ceremonial dance called miko-mai, where a "shrine maiden" (traditionally an unmarried virgin girl, who assists the priests at a shrine) performs a dance that was originally said to channel the kami and thereby let her speak as a god. How wonderful it would be if sex were practised in the same way, as a ritual dedicated to the gods!
A completely different world would unfold. The objective of sex would no longer be ejaculation but rather to make women glow with love, to fill them with the vitality of joy, to bloom them spiritually into megami. The impact of this would transform our societies, spreading positive vibrations all around the world.
At present, however, the sex that continues to be prevalent in most societies barely transcends that of mating animals and the most rudimentary gratification of our sexual desires. Nevertheless, if we can spread recognition of and reverence for sex's true potential, through sacred and divine sex we can ultimately awaken the Earth into a planet of love.
The Three Forms of Human Sex
A human being can be divided into three realms: a physical body, a mind or spirit, and an "energy body". In the Vedantic and Yogic schools of Hinduism, the "energy body" is known as the pranamaya kosha, and it is believed to be one of the five "sheaths" (kosha) that cover the eternal Self (Atman). This "energy body" includes our breath, as well as all the channels and chakras through which our vital life-force (ki, qi, or prana) flows.
It is the integration of these three realms that sustains our life as human beings, enabling us to engage in activities from eating and dancing to thinking and loving.
Although we tend to conceive of sex as a singular concept, it too can be divided into three forms: physical sex, spiritual sex, and energy sex.
Physical sex is experienced in our bodies, through the yin-yang union of the penis and vagina. It also includes the pleasure that a woman receives from the erogenous zones all over her physical body. Physical sex is not always "junk sex", but you cannot pass deeper than the realm of physical sex with "junk sex".
On the other hand, energy sex, commonly known as tantric sex, can take you and your partner to a world of much deeper sensuality. The pleasure from sexual energy far surpasses that of the physical stimulation, especially for women, who are able to experience "kogen ecstasy" orgasms. Through training, men can learn how to recognise and handle sexual energy, by which they may bring a woman to states of ecstasy that she has never experienced before.
I teach Zensex to men in private lessons that are real and practical, with women taking part as models. The results are unmistakable. For instance, when a woman typically receives cunnilingus, she will moan in pleasure, but it takes some time for her to orgasm. However, when I teach my student how to perform "ki caresses" on a model, she instantly arches her back and reaches orgasm. This clearly illustrates that ki sexual energy has a greater power to stimulate than mere physical touch.
A few conditions must be met before a woman can achieve a state of sensuality through the exchange of ki. First, the woman's senses must be receptive enough to ki — this occurs when the pineal gland, which controls the erogenous brain, is activated. Second, the woman must have enough sexual energy stored in her tanden to be aroused to a sensual state. Third, the man must be able to handle ki with intention. When these conditions are met, the ki is activated and an explosive fusion of energy and resonance occurs, bringing the woman into a state of "kogen ecstasy". In this realm, even remote sex is possible: the ki energy emitted by the man can awaken the woman's sensuality even from a distance.
Last but not least, let's take a look at spiritual sex. This is the shared experience of two partners expressing their love to each other by means of sex. In other words, instead of sex that is motivated by mere sexual gratification, this is sex that is motivated by loving and being loved.
Nevertheless, most sexual relationships never progress beyond the first stage, where erogenous zones are stimulated to earn physical pleasure and satisfaction. Up until now, most sex has been on a kindergarten level. This is not the sex that the kami has gifted to humankind. In essence, sex should be the fusion of our physical bodies, energy bodies, and spirits. Through such sex, people can reach a divine realm of ultimate pleasure, love, and joy like they have never experienced before.
Sex as a Ritual
There is an even higher level of sex that has achieved the fusion of the three elements. It is sex as a ritual. When a woman becomes receptive through Zensex, it means her physical body and pineal gland are open, enabling her to receive sexual energy. At this time, she is also able to receive the vibrations of higher dimensions. To be precise, she gains a channeling ability.
In this state, a woman can experience sex as a divine ritual. Through sex, she can connect with kami or higher dimensional energies and receive their messages. The kami, as her audience, in turn can rejoice and praise the union of the couple.
How can we perform sex as a divine ritual? I will share with you a basic method.
First, a man and a woman must set an intention to perform a ritual, based on a relationship of trust, respect, and love between them. Next, they pray to the kami saying, "We will now have sex as a ritual.” After, they meditate and align themselves. Many couples will find it helpful to turn off the lights, light up a candle, have a drink of alcohol as a libation, face one another, and bow. Finally, they may begin to have sex with a solemn mindset.
During the foreplay phase, the women will relish the sensual joy of "kogen ecstasy" through cunnilingus, raising that joy to the heavens. She will pass into an altered state of consciousness while experiencing this pleasure.
When the man first penetrates the woman, he must use a "modified missionary" position. The woman will lie on her back, while the man's upper body remains vertical, perpendicular to the bed. In this position, the couple faces each other as they use a breathing technique to integrate their bodies into a torus structure of energy.
Next, they may go into the cowgirl position, which I call the "earth to heaven" position. The man will lie on his back and set an intention to be the earth. The woman, with her body upright, will set an intention to connect with the heavens. The man then draws in energy through the hyakue (crown chakra) at the top of his head, channeling it upwards into the woman's body through his penis. Meanwhile, the woman moves her hips vigorously in order to increase the energy of sexual pleasure, intertwining this with the energy from the man and elevating the combined energies to the heavens.
Soon after, the woman will make contact with the higher dimensions and begin to communicate with the kami. If she asks for a certain kami to appear, that god will convey messages to her and answer her questions. However, she may not be able to make contact with a kami successfully if she does not know it or has no connection with it.
There is no time nor space in the higher dimensions. In a sense, it is just like a DVD, on which all of a movie's information exists simultaneously. It is not until a laser hits the disc that a scene from the movie appears on the screen.
The kami also exist as energy in the world of infinite consciousness, and they appear when we call on them. Japanese gods, Isis and Hathor, Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ. You can connect and communicate with these entities just through sex, without having to perform any grand rituals. The act of sex is like the laser that reaches out to summon their energy from the ether.
In this way, there are four levels of sex that can be experienced here on Earth. It is not a question of which is superior. These levels simply differ in value and meaning. Knowing this, you are free to choose and enjoy sex at any level you wish — that is the sex you can relish as a gift from the kami. After all, there is nothing distasteful about having sex purely for the experience of physical pleasure. That being said, if you wish to have the most exceptional experience, it is vital to learn how to perform all four types of sex.
The Relationship Between Ki Energy and Orgasm
Human beings are designed to reach full maturity, both mentally and physically, at the age of 21. It is not until we reach this age that our lives truly begin. At this point, not only the mind and body but also the "energy body" become fully developed, and our tanden is at last filled with a sufficient quantity of ki life energy.
When a fully developed man and woman merge through sex, their yin and yang ki energies interact. This exchange causes a fusion-like chemical reaction, unleashing a torrent of energy that brings the woman to a "kogen ecstasy" orgasm. Furthermore, this explosive energy (which can be derived either from intercourse or from stimulation of the clitoris) serves to activate the functions of the woman's pineal gland, causing her spiritual faculties to bloom as she is brought into a state of perfection as a woman. This is the foundation for her to transform into a megami.
Ki energy is in essence life energy, but through sex, its vibrations undergo a qualitative transformation in which they are converted into sexual energy. It is this sexual energy that is the source of pleasure and orgasm in women. For that reason, the pleasure and orgasm induced by an explosion of ki sexual energy is far greater than the pleasure or orgasm produced by mere friction on the skin of the physical body.
This difference can be observed when a woman uses a self-pleasure device such as a vibrator while masturbating. The pleasure that the vibrator stimulates is flat and shallow, and it does not induce an explosion of sexual energy. You can't get the kind of pleasure that makes you arch your body. Nevertheless, even with masturbation, if you can learn how to create an explosion of sexual energy, you will be able to have a "kogen ecstasy" orgasm.
Speaking of self-pleasure devices, I am opposed to their use. The pineal gland is a delicate organ, and the ki it perceives is subtle. If a woman becomes accustomed to using a sex toy to stimulate her clitoris with mechanical and coarse vibrations, her pineal gland will become desensitised and unable to detect ki. In other words, the use of such devices will make it impossible for her to achieve a "kogen ecstasy" orgasm.
For women who struggle to reach orgasm during sex, or for women whose pleasure is shallow, one of the most common reasons is not having sufficient ki energy to generate an explosion of pleasure.
Meanwhile, men also suffer from deficiencies in ki energy. In the past 25 years, the number of men who experience erectile dysfunction worldwide has doubled, and this is not only for aging populations — one-fourth of all cases are now men under the age of 40. In truth, penile erection is deeply related to ki energy. When you are full of ki life energy, your sexual desire will surge, and only a small amount of sexual stimulation will be needed to convert life energy into sexual energy, which results in an erection. Unsustainable erections are thereby a symptom of a lack of ki energy.
What is the main cause of this decline in ki energy? It is our modern living environment. We are surrounded by asphalt and concrete, computers and screens, electric lights and electromagnetic waves. Our environment is pervaded by low frequency vibrations that deplete our life energy.
This also has an impact on pregnancy. When our life energy is low, we have less power to generate and sustain new life, and conception becomes more difficult. There is a strong correlation between fertility, sex drive, and being filled with ki energy.
The First Stage of Blooming the Pineal Gland Is Sexual Energy
I had an epiphany while practising Zensex and witnessing woman's sensual beauty. I came to realise that women have a latent capacity to feel ki, and that this is the reason women can have deep orgasms.
The key to a woman's awakening as a megami and to the flowering of her spiritual abilities is the opening of the pineal gland. This is a step-by-step process, the first stage of which is the ability to perceive ki energy.
When a woman receives highly sensitive sexual pleasure, she accumulates sexual energy in her tanden. Eventually, the compressed energy will exceed a critical point and explode, propelling the ki to the top of her head through the chumyaku (a meridian or energy channel running vertically through the centre of the body). At that time, the powerful sexual energy passes through the pineal gland, activating its function.
When the pineal gland is activated, we gain the ability to perceive ki energy. For instance, if someone were to hold their palm over your body without touching you, you would still be able to sense their ki energy.
In fact, I have experienced this firsthand. I was in bed with a woman after we had Zensex, and she kept twisting and turning in her sleep, gasping in pleasure. I decided to hold my hand over her, and I was surprised to see that she began to be aroused as much as she had been while we were having sex. I then experimented in various ways, such as moving away from her and blowing air on her. Seeing her in pleasure even from several metres away, I witnessed the phenomenon of the nature of ki.
Later, I tested the effects of ki in various situations. There was a woman whose knees buckled in pleasure when I put my hand on the base of her spine and flowed ki into her. A woman who squatted down when I intentionally channelled ki into her while we were kissing. A woman who became aroused when I sent her ki remotely through a computer screen. Once the pineal gland is opened, women have the capacity to be sensualised by ki in incredible ways.
Sexual Energy Awakens the Pineal Gland
I would like to clarify that not every kind of ki energy can arouse a woman to a sensual state. There are different kinds of ki, and the ki energy of health (for instance) is not the same as the ki energy of sex. Even when a qigong therapist who can heal diseases transmits his ki to a woman, she will not experience sexual pleasure but instead feel the physical pleasure of health and warmth. It is only if the ki is radiated with sexual intention that it becomes sexual energy with the power of inducing sensuality in a woman.
On the other hand, "life energy" and "sexual energy" are the same kind of ki energy. Life energy is stored in the tanden and is crucial for a person to live, as it serves as the foundation to support each chakra. It is also the driving force behind creative activity. Consequently, if your life energy is weak, the chakras cannot function, and no matter how gifted you are, you will not be able to make full use of your talent. Likewise, it will be difficult for you to access your intuition and unconscious mind via your Ajna chakra (also known as the sixth or "third-eye" chakra).
During sexual activity, it is this life energy whose frequency is modulated and converted into sexual energy in order to open the pineal gland.
As I mentioned earlier, human beings attain the maturity to have sex as a man or woman at the age of 21. Until then, they are boys and girls, buds whose sexuality has yet to bloom.
However, once two fully developed humans have received enough sexual education and technical guidance to have sex with heightened expectations, they will experience magic. An enormous amount of stored life energy will be converted into sexual energy, and the explosion of that energy will give the woman a "kogen ecstasy" orgasm. At the same time, the energy passing through the pineal gland will awaken her spiritual capacity.
The pineal gland is an organ that receives energy vibrations. By activating the pineal gland to different degrees, we are able to perceive different ranges of higher dimensional vibrations, such as the energy of the kami and the wisdom of the universe.
On Earth, electromagnetic waves are being transmitted through space constantly — from radio and television signals to Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cell phone calls. However, there is also a subtler, higher vibrational energy in this space. It is an energy that transcends the three-dimensional world, and it is pouring down on us as energy waves. Channelling is a technique to receive that energy.
Originally, through the act of sex, life energy is transformed into sexual energy, which opens the pineal gland and allows us to channel the higher energy of the universe. However, we have destroyed this natural growth process in a spectacular way.
We reach the age of 21 without having matured spiritually. We do not receive sufficient technical education in love and sex. We perform sex for the first time when we are still incomplete and underdeveloped as human beings.
Therefore, far from serving to awaken women as megami, "junk sex" is impairing their latent abilities and attenuating their true potential.
The Powers of the Pineal Gland
The pineal gland is an endocrine gland in the brain that produces melatonin, the hormone that regulates our circadian rhythm and sleep cycles. It is very small, about the size of a pea, and it is located in the epithalamus in the centre of the brain, between the two cerebral hemispheres. It is called the pineal gland because its shape resembles that of a pinecone.
The pineal gland has long been considered a mysterious and spiritual organ. In the 17th century, the seminal French philosopher René Descartes called this gland the seat of rational thought and the soul, and even in 21st century medicine, we still have an incomplete understanding of its functions and capabilities. Above all, people of the ancient world — a time when spirituality was more developed than it is today — were aware of the pineal gland's mystic power and significance.
In ancient Egyptian murals, in Greco-Roman myths, as well as in later Christian artwork, the pineal gland has been portrayed in the form of a pinecone as a symbol of enlightenment and rebirth. In the Vatican City, for example, there is a bronze sculpture of a giant pinecone in the courtyard of St. Peter's Basilica. In Greek mythology, the god of wine and festivity Dionysus (Bacchus to the Romans), who encouraged his followers to liberate themselves from social norms, carried a staff topped with a pinecone called a thyrsus. In an Egyptian sculpture from 1224 BCE, a pinecone-topped staff is first attributed to Osiris, the Egyptian god of fertility and rebirth. The recurring Egyptian "Eye of Horus" symbol is also believed by some to be a depiction of the pineal gland.
Moreover, there is an association between the pineal gland and the Hindu concept of kundalini. In Sanskrit, "kundalini" means "coiled" or "circular". It is a form of divine female energy (Shakti), and there are many schools of yoga centred around awakening one's kundalini through meditation, breathing, and various other practices. It is believed that kundalini lies dormant at the base of the spine, and when awakened, will uncoil and ascend the spine until it reaches the Sahasrara chakra (seventh or "crown chakra", at the top of the head). Yoga practitioners have sought to unlock their full spiritual potential by activating the pineal gland with kundalini.
According to Hindu Tantrism and other spiritual belief systems, when the "third eye" is opened, one becomes enlightened with a total understanding of oneself and the truth of the world. This "third eye" is often believed to be the pineal gland, which is seen as a portal for accessing higher dimensions and the Akashic records (a nonmaterial compendium of all knowledge in the universe — past, present, and future). In other words, the pineal gland is what permits us to connect with the universe and the kami, to receive revelations, and to realise our spiritual powers.
Luckily, you don't have to practise yoga or go all the way to India to meditate in order to activate the pineal gland. There is a much easier way for women to achieve that: through orgasm.
Of course, I am not talking about a short, shallow, "junk sex" orgasm but a deep, screaming, "kogen ecstasy" orgasm. When such orgasm generates an explosion of energy, that energy passes though the chumyaku, activates the pineal gland, and awakens the woman to her true capacity as a megami.
The Purpose and Secrets of the Clitoris
There is an expression in Japanese that "women think with their uterus". The phrase is meant to emphasise that women follow their inner voice or intuition, while men follow their brains and logic. But I would like to present a new expression: "women think with their clitoris". I am convinced that this expression will replace the old one in the future.
As a place where babies are gestated, the uterus symbolises motherhood rather than womanhood. The clitoris, however, represents the core of a woman. For that reason, in Japanese it is called inkaku, which translates literally to “yin nucleus” or “hidden nucleus”. Nevertheless, most people do not appreciate the clitoris's true purpose and value.
All things and beings have a purpose for their existence. A cup has a purpose to hold water or coffee. A clock has the purpose of measuring time. There is nothing that exists in this world that does not have a purpose. If there were no purpose for its existence, then an object would have no value.
What is the purpose for the clitoris to exist? Most people would say it's to give you pleasure, to give you an orgasm, to make you come. Certainly, this is true, but these reasons are all superficial. There is a deeper, more essential, more fundamental purpose for the clitoris: it is a portal to open the pineal gland, so that you can connect with higher dimensions. Moreover, it is a converter to turn the ki life energy stored in your tanden into sexual energy, and it is also a detonator to ignite an explosion of that energy. Above all, though, it is the core that represents your "god-self".
If the symbol of man is a penis or phallus, its counterpart for woman is a clitoris or inkaku. Note that these are in fact the same organ, which only become differentiated after the eleventh week of pregnancy, when the penis begins to lengthen and enlarge. Men are sensitive about the size of their penis because they believe it represents their masculinity, while they care about the strength of their erections because this represents their virility. In contrast, women tend to be much less conscious of their clitoris, or "yin nucleus".
I believe that many women have not confronted or handled their clitoris properly, partly out of shame and partly out of guilt. If the clitoris were sentient, I can only imagine how lonely it must feel!
In reality, the clitoris is a remarkable organ whose high-performance capabilities and sensitivity link women directly to the divine. Although it may be hard to believe, when a woman understands the value of her clitoris and practises techniques such as breathing and mental imagery, she awakens instantly and her channelling ability blooms. When I witness women who easily go into a trance state and attain spiritual powers in this way, I am humbly reminded once again of the value of the clitoris. There is no need to meditate for long hours on a rocky mountaintop in order to achieve spiritual awakening.
By the way, how do you women masturbate? I imagine you have learnt to caress yourselves in your own way, since you have never been taught or compared your technique with others. In the worst case, perhaps you have relied on vibrators or aggressive fingering to stimulate yourselves to a quick orgasm, or perhaps you have even imitated the harsh techniques shown in porn videos. However, once you learn the true value of the clitoris, you will realise that such rough treatment is an act of spiritual blasphemy against both the kami and your megami-self.
Meticulous attention is needed in the treatment of the clitoris. First, if the clitoral hood is covering the glans, use your left hand to pull back the skin gently but firmly toward your navel so that the clitoral head is exposed. Next, place the pad of your right hand's middle finger — where ki is emitted — on the clitoris. Finally, start stimulating yourself, keeping your hand in alignment with the centre line of the clitoris, however small or large it may be.
Be aware that thoughts manifest reality: if you have a sloppy mindset, the outcome will also be sloppy. The result will be completely different depending on the mindset and values with which you caress your clitoris. If you are someone who has been treating the sacred and noble clitoris like a disposable paper cup, you should reflect deeply upon this before proceeding.